Back in 2000, I discovered a little scifi TV series called Farscape and became a fan. I joined the fandom's online message boards using the handle "Ratscape." RAT, the first three letters of my last name and SCAPE, the last five letters of the TV show's title. The name stuck.
Over the years, Ratscape has become known within pop culture fandoms for creating artwork – sometimes with a slightly skewed view – of movie, TV and comic book icons. This is where I let loose with different art styles, new techniques, and allow a few silly ideas to escape my brain.
If you see something you like and are interested in a print, contact me. Most images are available.

Wonder Woman 1984

Princess Leia Resistance Poster (mimicking the style of artist, Shepard Fairey and his 2017 inauguration posters)

Zachary Levi is the lead in the upcoming DC movie, SHAZAM!

Red Carpet Mel

Wydoughnut Earp
Melanie Scrofano and donut with sprinkles.

Earp Angel

Roc Holliday

Wynonna Earp– Queen of Hearts.

If you like your shows a little quirky and don't take themselves too seriously check out Wynonna Earp. This is my pic of of Doc Holliday who seems like he should be the ace of spades.

Wynonna Earp showrunner Emily Andras

Officer Nicole Haught from TV series, Wynonna Earp

When Doc Holliday brings dynamite to a gunfight.

My favorite Shorty's Saloon bartender – Waverly Earp

I thought Doc Holliday (from TV show, Wynonna Earp) would be a good subject to try out a vintage etching look using Adobe Illustrator.

Agents Xavier Dolls of the U.S. Marshal's Black Badge Division (in the style of Shepard Fairey's early 2000's hiphop poster art)

The two thugs from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Vin Diesel is back as the voice of baby Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

Machiko Naguchi from Aliens VS Predator comic book.

Wonder Woman 75th Anniversary

DC 75 Years

Ms Marvel

Fantastic 4 50th Anniversary

I was channeling the 80s when I worked this one up. With apologies to the late great Patrick Nagel.

...'cause he's kind of a big deal.

Another Patrick Nagel inspired illustration. This one is of actress Laura Vandervoort of Smallville, V, and Bitten. She's super.

If the late, great Patrick Nagel was commissioned to create a poster for Orange Orange Yogurt Shop... (something for fans of the Chuck TV series)

This is the result of my trying to "Nagelize" Mr. Garth Algar. Excellent! ...NOT! I'm not worthy.

Co-founder of SHIELD, Agent Margaret "Peggy" Carter

SSR Agent, Rose Roberts

Agents of SHIELD, Maria Hill

Agents of SHIELD, Daisy Johnson

SHIELD Agent Bobbi Morse AKA Mockingbird

Agents of SHIELD, Melinda May

Agent of SHIELD and member of the Avengers, Natasha Romanoff

Sharon Carter – SHIELD Agent 13

Agent of SHIELD, Jemma Simmons

No matter how you stamp it, Nathan Fillion is always a ruggedly handsome guy.

The Lab Four – Leonard, Howard, Rajesh and Sheldon. So who do you think is their Yoko Ono?

Campaign poster for Amanda Rosewater, the recently appointed Mayor of the town, Defiance.

Jon Snow, bastard son of Eddard Stark and Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

Maid Brienne of House Tarth

King Joffrey of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister

Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell, King in the North

Ser Jaime of House Lannister, the Lion of Lannister, loving brother of Cersi

Tyrion of House Lannister

Margaery Tyrell, the Little Rose of House Tyrell

Prince Oberyn "The Red Viper" of House Martell

Ser Gregor "The Mountain" of House Clegane

Cersei of Houses Lannister and Baratheon, Queen of the Seven Realms

Arya Stark, third child of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn Stark, Princess of Winterfell

Khal Drogo of the Dothraki

Daenerys of House Targaryen, Mother of Dragons

"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" My homage to Dustin from 'Stranger Things'


This is how I felt when I heard Captain America's Peggy Carter would have her own TV series. Keep calm and...

Inspired by Agent Carter's red fedora.

Propaganda-style poster of Peggy Carter, agent of the SSR.

Dottie Underwood - the face of the Black Widow Program. A propaganda-style poster for the Red Room Academy

So when I heard that the SSR's Peggy would be heading to Los Angeles in season 2 of Agent Carter, I had to create a film noir style movie poster.

During the New York Comic-con 2012, Marvel announced that Agent Phil Coulson would live on in the Joss Whedon produced SHIELD TV show.

Going for the stencil/spray paint style on this one.

Faux comic book cover for Agent of SHIELD's Melinda May

Coulson Lives?

Grant Ward, Agent of SHIELD, reveals his true identity. Hail HYDRA!

Agent Grant Ward is Captain Hydra. Made this up as a spoof to Captain America. Hail Hydra!

Recruitment poster for S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology

Agent Ward - Shave one whisker, two will grow back. Hail Hydra!

Jemma Simmons - Double the agent, double the fun!

Like the iconic buddy duos of the 70s and 80s – Freebie & the Bean, Starsky & Hutch, Thunderbolt & Lightfoot, Tango & Cash – I submit to you, Mac & Fitz - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of SHIELD's Phil Coulson and Melinda May rock!

You know, "Psycho Ward", like in a hospital.

Agents of SHIELD's Antoine Triplett. TripLives!

The girl in the flower dress – Raina from Agents of SHIELD

Hive - Infesting in Our Future! Another propaganda style poster for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD character, Hive/Grant Ward. Hail Hydra.

If it's difficult to choose between TeamCap and TeamIronman, you now have another option – Join Hive!

The Hive Propaganda Poster Trifecta is complete! Never forget - Hive loves you. Hail Hydra.

I'm thinking it's time Mack got his own solo comic book.

Poster for SHIELD Engineering. Wanted to give a little steampunk vibe to it. Anyone shipping FitzSimian?

The challenge was to come up with a superhero costume for the characters of the TV show HEROES. This is my depiction of Claire, the Indestructible Cheerleader.

Like Claire's costume, I stayed away from the spandex to keep it more realistic. Hiro's a big fan of pop culture -- X-men, Star Trek -- so I thought he'd be big on a Bruce Lee type black & white outfit. I added the vest for color and tried to give it a stylized samurai warrior feel. He'd keep the shoulder bag to carry Isaac's comics which would act as maps for his time traveling.

...another one in the Heroes costume design series...
Like the other 2 illustrations of Claire and Hiro, I wanted to keep a more realistic look to the outfit. This one of Niki/Jessica took inspiration from Kill Bill's the Bride, Kiera Knightley's Domino and Happy Days' Pinky Tuskadero.

I worked up this illustration assuming "Heroes" Nathan Petrelli would be voted into Congress. Wanted to keep the coat & tie of a politician but with a militaristic feel-- making you question whether he's been given too much power. The suit also gives an obvious nod to the "Rocketeer", another high-flying hero.

more HEROES superhero costume designs...
I think of Peter Petrelli as the opposite of his brother Nathan. Whereas I illustrated Nathan in the dark military-style suit, I picture Peter in light colored, unstructured garb. The white, loose-fitting sweats and hoodie is meant to reflect a modern day version of the old angels-in-robes images. The addition of the "scrubs" green stripe is a reminder of Peter's nursing background.

This one goes out to all you sickos wanting to see a super-villain costume for the TV show's power-collecting serial killer. I picture Sylar wearing borrowed coveralls that are just slightly too small for his frame. He'd have a chain slung over his shoulder (perhaps Mr. Muggles leash) that he would use to keep a collection of necklaces, rings, bracelets AND watches – momentos from past cravings. And one industrial rubber glove for... I don't know, just to add to the creep factor.

Showing a little Vulcan love...

You don't refuse Scranton's Don Michael Scott. Mess with this Dunder Mifflin manager and you're likely to get a late-night visit from Dwight "Sonny" Schrute. Paper cuts all over your backside.

Dwight was like my TV chillaxative for Thursday nights.
![This is one of my dream crossovers... Recently appointed Assistant to the President [correction - Assistant President], Dwight Schrute (call sign: Straight Schruter) anguishes over what may be his worst case scenario ... Angela Martin is a cylon.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5995debf1e5b6c1ceba04ee5/1507147187758-IDFSKXZHFL5XYGNBIA2O/workspace_galactica_by_ratscape.jpg)
This is one of my dream crossovers...
Recently appointed Assistant to the President [correction - Assistant President], Dwight Schrute (call sign: Straight Schruter) anguishes over what may be his worst case scenario ... Angela Martin is a cylon.

Starbuck. Not the coffee.

Lee "Apollo" Adama of Battlestar Galactica.
No concept behind this one--just wanted to try out a different style.

Anybody else follow the Colonial Pyramid League? Sam T. Anders, team captain of the Caprica Buccaneers and CPL's MVP for three years straight, is arguably the most well known name to come out of the pro sport. Going for the vintage trading card look on this one.

More Battlestar Galactica ...
I picture an action-adventure story in the tradition of the old pulp magazines. Threw a refurbished, reprogrammed, old-school cylon in with the team 'cause that would just be so dang cool.

BSG Rocks. Inspired by the James Callis beard...

This is the companion piece to the BSG Roslin poster. Hail Adama!

The Cylons are coming! The Cylons are coming! Return Roslin to power!

Battlestar Galactica's New Caprica ...with a nod to the retro travel posters

After his stint in the military, Saul Tigh would go on to become a movie star in big-budget westerns. For those of you that followed BSG - I almost plucked his eye out for this poster but couldn't get myself to do it. But if there's ever a sequel, we can throw an eye patch on him and we'll call the flick "Tigh Grit".

Bootsy Collins. Keepin' Dah Funk Alive...

These "wanted" posters were adopted by the fans of the scifi TV series, Farscape, to help with their cause to bring back the cancelled show. Used on brochures, buttons, postcards, stickers, tshirts, ...and posters, the artwork became the unofficial identity of the campaign.
Each poster depicts a character from the show in a posterized style that not only made it easier for fans to reproduce but also gave it a more home grown/grassroots feel . By the time I was finished, 100 posters were completed. This artwork is the combination of 9 of the very first ones created.

These are all 100 "wanted" posters created for the fan-run Save Farscape/Watch Farscape campaign.

More Farscape crunchy goodness...

Combining Rock & Roll poster art with Scifi's Farscape.

This is a colorized rehashing of a black & white vector created for the Comic-con International '04 souvenir book. The original b&w illustration was used to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Creepy Magazine and also became a subtle advetisement to "watch Farscape".

Wanted to experiment with a different technique using roughed up patterns as extra layers to my typical flat vector look. I took an older piece, added the patterns, and rearranged the image with a new typeface I drew up fashioned after old Soviet propaganda poster styles.

For all you scifi bikers.

This is what I imagined some of the characters on Farscape were involved in during the filming hiatus between TV seasons.

Back before the show returned to TV, talk was that the massive fan campaign to save Farscape had knocked things loose and rumors that something (possibly a miniseries) may be in the works. That's when I began creating a series of light-hearted, mock comic book covers that chronicled the return of Farscape from the fan's perspective. A total of 12 mock covers were posted at WatchFarscape.com, one every 2 weeks till just before the airing of the miniseries. Many of the pieces were used as postcard giveaways at comic book and scifi conventions to raise awareness of the show and its return.

When this 2nd mock Farscape comicbook cover was first posted to WatchFarscape.com the fans knew there was definitely a mini-series in the making. But word was no deal had yet been made as to who would air it. This illustration became part of a fan-run postcard campaign, directed at the various TV neworksand past advertisers (from the series). The objective was to let them know there was still a massive fan base with lots of "eyeballs" ready to watch anything Farscape.

So Farscape fans were all giddy over the news that the show was returning as a mini-series. All the hard work was finally paying off and we had something to get excited about. Now all the talk was about when the mini would air and where the mini would air. This 3rd mock comic cover was my attempt at a humorous take on the subject. I thought of it as the "romance" issue.

This cover was intended as a congratulations to the Farscape fans (known as Scapers) for all their hard work. The almost two years of campaigning (for the return of the show) had snowballed, bringing more vocal fans out of the woodwork, and as a result they were rewarded with what would be a 4-hour miniseries.

It was always a running joke with actors Ben Browder and Claudia Black, the leads of the TV series, that if Farscape were to ever make it to the big screen they'd be replaced by Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. That idea was played with on this comic book cover announcing the return of Farscape as a miniseries. This artwork was used as a large-format postcard giveaway at San Diego Comic-con International.

At the time this piece appeared, it was still unclear who would air the Farscape miniseries. Much like the comicbook 02 illustration, this message was directed to the TV networks telling them there were lots of eyes prepared to watch anything Farscape.

So at this point, fans campaigning for the return of Farscape knew the mini-series was in the works and word was it would air on the Scifi channel. Much of the energy now went into attracting more interest in the show and in doing so – more viewers (eyeballs) for the miniseries. This mock cover art was based on that theme. It was another "cover" illustration used as a postcard give-away that summer at San Diego Comic-con International.

Mock comic cover 08 came out just a couple months before the Farscape miniseries was to be aired. Filming had just wrapped and the two leads of the show, Ben Browder and Claudia Black, participated in an on-line chat with us fans. This illustration is based on that chat. ...maybe you had to be there.

This cover was meant to acknowledge all the hard work Farscape fans put into bringing back the show. The "thought bubble" was in reference to a comment made by Ben Browder (the star of the series). Something about how, after hearing of the show's cancellation, his wife told him he could finally get to finishing the yard work.

After a summer of all-out campaigning to bring in more viewers, Farscape fans continued to come up with and implement creative ways to keep the "buzz" going on the soon-to-be-aired miniseries. This mock comic cover played off of that thought.

This illustration intertwines the "Aeryn-is-pregnant-but-is-Crichton-really-the-father?" storyline with the fact that fans had been waiting for the return of Farscape for close to a year.

The last one in the mock comic book cover series. I worked this one up just before the airing of the Farscape miniseries and was going back and forth on which character to use for the illustration-- D'argo or Scorpius-- finally settling on D'argo. Little did I know how important hiss part would play in the story.
Apologies to R. Crumb for the "keep on..." rip-off. It seemed appropriate at the time.

![This is one of my dream crossovers... Recently appointed Assistant to the President [correction - Assistant President], Dwight Schrute (call sign: Straight Schruter) anguishes over what may be his worst case scenario ... Angela Martin is a cylon.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5995debf1e5b6c1ceba04ee5/1507147187758-IDFSKXZHFL5XYGNBIA2O/workspace_galactica_by_ratscape.jpg)